17 November
Macedonio and Níspero have problems among them. In spite of smart of one and the sensibility of the other, the violence shown their mos...Read More


27 October
Open your arms and hug nature. Breathe. Pure air swimming into your skin. Freedom. Abre los brazos para abrazar la naturaleza. Respira...Read More


26 October
Attitude for the last day of workeek. Don't look back. Face the weekend. Esta es la actitud para el último día de la semana: No...Read More


07 October
On monday we must plunge on week. Swim is the best mode to reach the other side. El lunes nos obliga a zambullirnos en la semana. Nad...Read More


07 October
Being with friends seems the best way to endure Sunday's sunset. Estar con amigos parece la mejor manera de soportar el domingo ...Read More


22 September
He expresses all his feelings and thought with rhythms and poetic rhymes. He lives in artistic harmony mood. Tomy_DD don't comprehe...Read More


19 September
The DesKarTT’s universe is among us. They are not easy to see. They are definitely out of reach, unteachable. But they are easy to underst...Read More


19 September
He experiments without thinking about consequences. He feels completely attracted to the lights. Níspero is not evil, just a little ...Read More


19 September
He shows his ironic point of view and all negative ideas about human behavior in video documentaries. He has a recorder camera inser...Read More


19 September
He is the seduction. He is the fatal attraction. He is the lover that women and some men would like to have just for one night. The big...Read More
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